Address: 104, Crystal Business Tower, Near Sheikh Zayed Road, PO Box: 891, Dubai

Business Advisory & Consulting

Transactions involving share transfers, mergers and acquisitions are among the most complex and significant events that have game-changing effect on the life of a business. Evaluating a deal accurately and delivering the maximum value out of it requires experience, operational preparation, and proper execution.

Transactions often fail because of poor or zero due diligence, which leads to an inaccurate evaluation of the deal. Our business valuation and due diligence team at Miqat helps entities determine the true value of their business and provide with the relevant details to navigate the transaction successfully.

Our team of auditors and analysts have carried out Due Diligence engagements across a wide range of sectors that include Manufacturing, Financial Services, Trading & Distribution, Oil & Gas, Technology, Healthcare, Hospitality, Digital and Social Media among others.  Our team’s multi-disciplinary background and years of experience enable us to provide a clear picture of the transaction and safeguard companies against any potentially dangerous business acquisitions.


Recognize issues related to transactions if any,
which helps in resolving the matter quickly

Identify key risks and their possible impacts

Identify potential synergies

Effectively negotiate and get the best value from the transaction

Our business valuation team at Miqat uses various methods to assess the value of a firm in an honest, impartial, and unbiased manner. We take time and effort to understand the business model of the firm and arrive at a valuation that helps us to fetch the maximum value.

We use one or more of the below valuation methods or a combination of these to determine the value of a firm.

Artboard 1

Income Approach
(Discounted Cash Flow Method)

Artboard 1

Market Approach
(Market comparable)

Artboard 1

Asset Approach
(Net Asset Value)

Our business valuation studies are also accompanied by careful analysis of the client’s market segments,
industry trends as well as specific factors that are pertinent to the entities that are being valued.